Professional counseling is a specialty which utilizes counseling techniques based on principles, methods, and procedures of counseling that assist people in identifying and resolving personal, social, and intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns.
Professional counseling utilizes counseling and psychotherapy to evaluate, treat, and recommend a course of treatment for emotional and mental problems and conditions, whether cognitive, behavioral, or emotional.
Psychotherapy refers to specific techniques involving the in-depth exploration and treatment of interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics.
Angela Fuller, M.S., L.P.C. is a professional counselor with training and experience working with people with mental illness, emotional worries, or interpersonal concerns.
She uses your personal report, her assessment, and mutual goal setting for your personal and social development.
She utilizes individual techniques for facilitating problem solving, decision-making, and behavior change.
Angela E. Fuller, M.S., L.P.C.